Thursday, April 12, 2012

Thank you for letting me be me.

Seems like I only remember to blog when I m moving into a new phase...

This cement porch im on feels so comforting , as i sit and tears por out endlessly. Why theyre adorning my fat cheeks i have no idea why. Is it because Im going back? Or is it because Im never going to see people I care about for a long time ,if not never agaian. Will they become people I used to know and love. People I'll fondly think about because they;ve physically gone from my life.

Melbourne, MY home...Not the one i shared with my parents and family...My own... the one i created for myself,with help from some amazing people.Each one adding more to my life than I ever needed or deserved. Each one letttin me be me, loving em or hating me but acknowledging me for who i am and not someone they wanted me to turn into. No"you should do this" or "you should be this", all it ever was was"you are". Taking it or leaving it was upto them and I was never happier than with that reality.The reality Im giving up for reasons that mean so much to me.

Now once again im faced with questions about my destiny and where I'm meant to be. Its hard to be thankful for what was when what lies ahead shows no promise of being happier.

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