Sunday, December 17, 2006

Summer kisses Winter tears!

Nah! Just kidding..its only a song:)but seriously...winter is a paradoxical feeling for me, always has been.On one side theres the AWESOME weather which makes me feel like i could just flyyyyyy..and at the same time my wings feel like theyre being plucked out of my very self!.What i mean is...the chilly breeze hitting against my skin just makes me feel like im in love*ahem**wink* ,every breath of icy wind on my fingertips makes me wanna lace my hands with his.And then at the same time the same wind pricks me so hard,that i wake from my sweet slumber and reluctantly embrace the painful reality!Ouch!What a price to pay for fantasy..*sigh*
But you know whats strange..(or maybe not)is that those everyday little smiles, the little gestures,or even just the minutest of seconds spent together fill me up with warmth enough to supress those evil shivers down my spine that just scream pessimism!!I know theres a way to reach my desire, a way thats built on the path of Hope but theres' an obstacle as always.I m Human!! I walk on a road based on what i think is Right and "right" isnt always "being happy with it".
And Sitting by the window, feeling the hypnotic wind on my face and the breeze caress my hair,counting every little goosebump as a reason to keep on loving, makes me reassure my self that winter is a Season worth its component of negative thoughts because every memory i make in winter gives me motivation to smile even more!
Every time i lose hope in "Waiting",u regain it for i being blind or issit mere cautiousness?Am i just too stupid to realise whether u Are saying exactly what i want to hear???Am i just imagining it all...or do you really make me feel like the world stops spinning every time we're together?*sigh*All i want now is clarity and visibilty from the stagnant fog in my mind!Ahh the paradoixal winter!!You've got to love it!!


  1. heyy Tiann.. very beautifully written! i was smilin thruout.. m amazed n awestruck at d way u can pen down ur feelings so vividly and beautifully.. kudos! keep it up! :)

  2. U are gifted,T!!!and are one of those lucky few who exactly know what they are thinking!!!and can even express it!!!Keep writing...bye

  3. hey tee,

    my GOD...m amazed at the speed of ur thots and evn more amazed at the speed of ur putting them dwn...

    dude u jus rock !!!
    Lov ya :)
