Saturday, October 21, 2006

Have you ever been in a situation where you've been told "you take little things too seriously.lighten up!" ??i was just thinking..( i do that a LOT,thinking i mean)soemthings do need to be taken seriously. dont you think? i think every relationship needs Depth!
Depth --- emotional profundity .could also equal complexity in a relationship..but the point here is...not making relationships more complex...its about giving them a little more weightage than we usually do.Only then can we distinguish between a regular friend and a True frend.That doesnt mean, go about throwing a fuss when a frend calls you a glutton or sumthin!
A relationship needs to be given importance and value , even formal relationships need a certain amount of value.Think about it.If you havea best friend...when did u realise that the person was ure best friend? Was it "just cos we've been friends throughout" or " s/he is the only one who puts up with me" ? No, we realised that when we gave it a thought, rite? Even that fragment of a minute started a train of thoughts and emotions and bore fruit.If we jsut put in a little time for everyone who means something to us there;d be more contentment for what we have already!
Time and Time again, i see people fighting with each other, and breaking off a treasured relationship over somethin maybe as silly as "u dint smile at me today" Gosh what is this comming to? Never forget the times ( or maybe even one time) that that person made "Special" seem real enough to you.That emotion was a result of soem determination and that person decided that YOU were worthy of that feeling.
So the next time you're upset with someone, think about it or talk it out if your the type. Cause really if every relationship is a deep special bond, the once in a while "special moments" may be more frequent than u can imagine =)


  1. Yeaaaahhh!!! vry true!...realy makes one thnk!!...i feel v al need 2 read dis post, n realy thnk wishfully!!

  2. hi tiana,
    amazing yaar , really amaming thoughts of urs .......
    n u know wat amazed me even more , such clarity of thoughts n nice collection of words at so less an age ..
    keep it up !!!!!!!

  3. hey,

    TOde i feel tht if i knew this blog of urs b4....we cud have been much btr frends thn we were in college...

    Guess i missed out on an oppportunity of makin a gr8 (as dumb as me) frend....

    but nvr mind...m happy u still there wit and for me...n i promise u tht i will b there for u too...

    mad tuveee
